
Gallery of schizonts

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Gallery of Schizonts

Schizont morphology is variable as they progress from late trophoxoites, dividing their chromatin into seprate distict masses (usually a schizont is defined by have more than two masses to distinguish them from rings with double dots). The morphological variability then continues as the merozoites separate before release. However, despite this, some features such as erythocyte size and shape, added dots, pigment distribution and the number of merozoites present can still be useful (as can the fact that they are rarely seen in P.falciparum.

Loose and often "tatty" appearances with 16 or more merozoites and clumped pigment when mature. Rare in blood as they sequesterin tissues and circulating form may appear degenerate. Images show mature forms.


Charactertically large and Schüffner's dots may be seen. The merozoites tend to pack the red cell with numbers up to 16-32 in mature merozoites. Pigment has diffuse distribution. Images show a maturing sequence.


Share many features with P.vivax and may not be easy to distinguish, tend not to be as large with fewer merozoites (up to 16). Ovoid shape and fimbriation of red cells may be present together with James' dots. Pigment has a patchy distribution.


Small and often neat parasites with few merozoites when mature (generally around 8-12). Often there is a central clump of pigment with merozoites arranged around this (daisy head appearance).


Similar in appearance to P.malariae. The forms tend to be small with relatively few merozoites present. Pigment tend to form a clump.