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Show new changes starting from 23:49, 9 September 2024
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9 September 2024

     16:45  Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs)‎‎ 4 changes history −122 [Admin‎ (4×)]
16:45 (cur | prev) −175 Admin talk contribs
16:41 (cur | prev) +8 Admin talk contribs
16:38 (cur | prev) +44 Admin talk contribs
15:56 (cur | prev) +1 Admin talk contribs
N    16:42  Pracical reasons for poor RDT performance diffhist +267 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "Assay quality: not all are the same WHO Heat stability of the RDT card: storage Age of card or reagent:storage Lot to lot variability in assay quality Operator-Specific Factors Operator-Inappropriate placement of reagent or blood drop Operator-Interpreting faint line")
     16:35  Microscopy and RDT test sensitivity‎‎ 21 changes history +2,706 [Admin‎ (21×)]
16:35 (cur | prev) +218 Admin talk contribs
16:33 (cur | prev) 0 Admin talk contribs
16:32 (cur | prev) −22 Admin talk contribs
16:29 (cur | prev) +322 Admin talk contribs
16:23 (cur | prev) +23 Admin talk contribs
16:22 (cur | prev) −13 Admin talk contribs
16:21 (cur | prev) +83 Admin talk contribs
16:17 (cur | prev) +90 Admin talk contribs
16:13 (cur | prev) +97 Admin talk contribs
16:13 (cur | prev) −168 Admin talk contribs
16:12 (cur | prev) 0 Admin talk contribs
16:11 (cur | prev) −80 Admin talk contribs
16:10 (cur | prev) +264 Admin talk contribs
16:09 (cur | prev) +150 Admin talk contribs
16:08 (cur | prev) +44 Admin talk contribs
16:05 (cur | prev) +61 Admin talk contribs
16:04 (cur | prev) +28 Admin talk contribs
16:03 (cur | prev) +92 Admin talk contribs
16:01 (cur | prev) +49 Admin talk contribs
15:59 (cur | prev) −10 Admin talk contribs
15:58 (cur | prev) +1,478 Admin talk contribs
N    11:13  Interpretation guide: MULTI BAND tests diffhist +1,581 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "Invalid test No band appears in the control area Invalid test: do not interpret, consider if test was incorrectly performed or incorrectly stored For valid tests (1) A band appears in the species-specific area only Most common: the species is present and no other species is present Possible alternatives: There is a dual infection but the second species is not detected by the pan-species antibody* This is a false positive band* (2) No band present in species-specific...")