
Circulating schizonts

From MalariaETC

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Circulating schizonts in P.falciparum infection

The schizonts in this species normally sequester in small vessels in spleen or other areas and therefore do not appear in blood. When found they can have particular significance.

Consider one of several possibilities:

  • Severe infection: schizonts are more likely seen in P.falciparum when infection is severe; generally when this is the case there will be other indicators of severity present.
  • Absent spleen: splenectomy or absent functional spleen can both lead to schizonts being found in circulation in P.falciparum, presumably by reducing possible areas for sequestration (look for features of splenectomy).
  • Non-falciparum species or dual-species infection, particularly with species that may be confused with P.falcipaum and arise in the same geographic region (P.malariae or P.knowlesi).