
Gallery of late trophozoites

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Gallery of Late Trophozoites

Late trophozoites often have "species-specific" changes that affect parasite, red cell shape or added dots. These may be very helpful in assigning diagnosis, although not all changes are fully specific to a single species.

The key features here are a slight thickening of ring forms but with the same appearances as early trophozoites. Additionally look for Maurer's dots and clefts appearning.


Ring forms are replaced with irregular and "amoeboid" forms. Red cells and parasites become markedly larger with distortion of red cells as they develop. Schüffner's dots and pigment becomes prominent.


Cells and parasite enlarge, but ring form is often retained, red cells are a little enlarged with ovoid form and prominent James' dots.


Infected red cells may be infrequent. Parasites may become more solid and angular, or become elonagated and may extend across the red cell (band appearance). Red cells remain round and may be small, added dots (Ziemann's dots) are rarely seen.


Late trophozoite forms may still resemble P.falciparum but also develop features of P.malariae, although number may be high and dots (Sinton and Mulligan's stippling) are more likely to be seen.