False positive reaction in RDT tests 2
From MalariaETC
Main Malaria Index
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>>Multi Band Tests
>>>Current page: False positive reactions
Cross-reactive antibodies
Cross-reactive antibodies are antibodies that interfere with RDT tests to cause a band to appear in the absence of a malaria infection - a "false positive". They are thought to arise as a result as a result of them forming an immune complex with both labelled test antibodies and the antibodies that produce detection line - so causing a band to appear in the test area in the absence of a malarial infection. These cross-reactive antibodies may arise following infection with another tropical organisms, or may be "polyreactive antibodies" found in individuals in the general population, particularly rheumatoid factor (RF) or human anti-mouse antibody (HAMA). The frequency with which such reactions occur depends considerably on the test manufacturer. |